Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Album Review: Rusko- ! EP

When I first heard the short lived phenomenon called "dubstep", British wubmaster Rusko was one of the first producers to bring the genre into America which then flipped the genre into a grimey molly-bro fest and eventually died down. I had a brief phase in high school where I was all about the dubstep, but along with the dying popularity, I guess I matured and realized that a lot of dubstep has little to no depth at all. Despite my dying interest, I actually have maintained an interest in Rusko (along with others such as Skream, Bassnectar, and Pretty Lights). Rusko songs such as "Jahova" and "Woo Boost" strike me as more than just a producer trying to make his bass and synths as dirty & abrasive as possible, Rusko actually knows how to make some awesome grooves. But with the dying out of dubstep, Rusko has gone along and changed his style in order to keep up with the crowd, which I understand. So those looking for just some "grimey drops", the ! EP is probably not where you'll find them- in fact there's hardly no wub wubs or womp womps on this EP at all. Instead of sticking to his old style, Rusko quite obviously borrows bits & pieces of styles from some very prominent artists. Opening track "Like a Boss" draws a lot from the current "future funk" crowd of artists such as Pretty Lights, Gramatik, and The Floozies. The funky basslines and 80s type synths are cool, but the track really doesn't sound like Rusko, in fact it could have been made by any of those artists I mentioned above. The next track "Sunshower" is probably the best track on the EP, I can totally jam out to it, but once again, it doesn't sound like Rusko, but more so like the futuristic sound of retro synth/bass producers like Rustie or newcomer Wave Racer. Track three "My Style" is probably the most annoying song on the EP. With horn-like synths, scattering 808 snares, and a "swagged out" vocal sample, it's basically Rusko trying to be like any typical trap producer. "Happy Chords" once again uses the same style as on "Sunshower", but at least this time Rusko uses a dubstep beat, hooray! On the last track, "Rusko Theme", he imitates another artist moreso than any other of the previous songs on here, and who does he imitate? none other than Tom Jenkinson aka Squarepusher. "Rusko Theme" uses basically everything Squarepusher did.... complete with  8 bit synths, some slippery slap bass, acid jazz synths, jazzy piano,and a scattering drum n bass beat, its like a Squarepusher song that was never released. Overall, the songs on this EP are not that bad, they are enjoyable, but Rusko.... I like that you're experimenting with new styles but maybe instead of taking a bunch of styles pioneered by other artists and throwing them into a mixed bag, you could work towards a more defined new Rusko sound? maybe?

Album Rating: 6.5/10
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